Sunshine Award!


Thank you very kamsha to fellow blogger chom2 from HanDrama!!! Being relatively new to the blogging scene, I seriously wasn’t expecting this award at all! So thank you and sorry for taking so long to actually get this post up! The shock and excitement was too much to handle! 😛


1. What finally pushed you to blog?

My desire to write about the Japanese drama “Rich Man, Poor Woman“, which I ended up dropping after six episodes but whatevs…

2. What is “enough sleep” ?

Sleep? What is that?

3. Top 3 dramas – Why? (May include non Korean ones)

I’m going to stick to Korean dramas for this question.

Coffee Prince

The Korean drama that hooked me on kdramas. Also, I adored the “love is love” concept behind the show.

It’s Okay, That’s Love

Read me gush about the show here.

Queen In Hyun’s Man

Epic and sweepingly romantic.

4. When I’m not blogging, I ______

I’m studying. And eating. Always eating.

5. If I had one month to myself to do anything, I would… (3 would suffice. Feel free to add more 🙂 )

Sleep. Travel. Eat.

6. Dream actor to chill over a cuppa with?

Jo In Sung. Obviously.

7. Home or Travel?


8. What/ Who inspires you?


My nominations:

One Second Spring

We eat lemon 

Heidi’s Kdramaland

Scattered Joonni

I love reading your blogs and you are all lovely people! You may ignore this nomination for whatever reason and no offense will be taken! 😀

If you decide to participate:


  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Answer the questions from the person who nominated you
  • Nominate a few other bloggers
  • Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated
  • Notify the bloggers on their blog
  • Put the award button on your blog

Questions from Dramapenchant:

  1. Favorite kdrama trope?
  2. Your least favorite kdrama trope (as in the one you despise)?
  3. You are the heroine of a show, who is your leading man?
  4. Top 3 dramas and why?
  5. If you can travel to any country (all expenses paid), where would it be and what would be the first thing you’ll eat there?
  6. Your ideal kdrama cast would include..?
  7. You have traveled into the past, what era are you hoping it is?
  8. Your favorite pastime activity(s) (other than watching dramas and blogging)?


5 thoughts on “Sunshine Award!

  1. conanblue says:

    Whoa thanks dramapenchant! (Question: how should I address you in a non-awkward way i.e. what is you name/nickname? Unless calling you dramapenchant is the way to go then that is fine)

    Right now I probably won’t be able to reply your questions, but maybe over the weekend (or maybe not since I’m also going away eeeek). I’ll try when I can though. I need to get back on top of blogging. Oy.


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